In order to increment the knowledge of Natura 2000 network, European Union financed the project “Flying Over Natura 2000”. Using a large-distance migratory bird, as the Black Stork (Ciconia nigra), European citizens will receive information about their natural heritage.
This icon was used with success in previous local projects as (“Cigognes sans frontiers”: [Link ] y African Odyssea: [Link ] y New Odyssea: [Link ] )
16 adult black storks will be equipped with satellite transmitters in 8 countries: Spain, France, Luxemburg, Belgium, Czech Republic, Hungary,
Letonia and Estonia. During their migratory travel they will “send” electronic postcards that reveal key information about Natura 2000 network. 35 footage clips will be broadcasted on national TV stations.
Organizers. WWF-Belgium: General coordinator of the project. [Link ]
SOLON asbl: As coordinator for capture and tagging in Western Europe. [Link ]
Czech Radio: As coordinator for capture and tagging in Eastern Europe. They were pioneers in popularizing the migration of black storks. [Link ], [Link ]
Fly Over Natura 2000 in Spain. Luis Santiago Cano Alonso and Alejandro Torés Sánchez are the coordinators in Spain of the project. They have a vast experience with black stork in migration, breeding… They counted with the support of local and country governments.
Víctor García Matarranz from Spanish Environment Ministry captured the birds. Also Isidoro Carbonell Alanís and Alicia Hernansanz Sanz do an essential fieldwork.